Friday, September 23, 2011


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Before You Switch to an Electronic Cigarette

September 19th, 2011
E-CigaretteSwitching to smoking an electronic cigarette is a big move to make, especially if you are a heavy smoker. You need to be extra certain that every preparation is made properly before you start using the e-cig smoking device; this will allow you to adapt to the new smoking habit and enjoy the benefits of smoking an electronic cigarette even more. There are several important things to prepare before you switch to an electronic cigarette.
First, you need a high quality electronic cigarette starter kit. Finding a good e-cig starter kit to purchase can now be done easily, especially since there are several online retailers that you can contact. Take your time and compare starter kits before you decide the best one to purchase. Make sure you also look into the availability of accessories and refill cartridges before deciding to buy a particular e-cig starter kit; you will be able to use the electronic cigarette over a long period of time without hassle when refill cartridges are easy to find.
Next, look into the normal nicotine consumption you get from the tobacco cigarettes you are consuming and select the appropriate refill cartridges. You can also choose between different flavors or opt for a mixed pack (with up to 10 different flavors to try). Of course, you also get 5 to 6 refill cartridges with your electronic vaping device starter kit.
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Quit Smoking the Electronic Way

September 17th, 2011
Electronic CigarettesIf you are a non-smoker like me and is always bothered by the disturbing smoke emitted by smokers, then be relieved that now there is a device made especially for smokers that respect our health. This electronic Smoking device was invented by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik in 2003 and was introduced in the market by 2004. Physically, it is not that different from an actual cigarette.
Most models even light up at their ends to appear like a real one. What differs this device from the actual cigarette is its functions. First of all, it is usually purchased as a part of a kit and comes in many different brands just like real cigarettes. This kit consists of rechargeable batteries, a battery charger, a cigarette device and cartridge packs. The batteries must be charged every night and the cartridge should also be replaced when necessary.
Although it sounds more complicated than just buying a pack of cigarettes, it is actually less time consuming and money saving. However, there are also disposable devices that come in a cheaper price. They help smokers save money as well as making the right choice. This device still contains nicotine, but users are able to set at which nicotine level that they prefer. It is considered as a safe cigarette as it does not emit second-hand smoke.
It also contains no tobacco, carbon monoxide, tar and all those other cancer causing chemicals that are usually found in actual cigarettes. Smokers find it convenient as it is not restricted under smoking bans since the mist is nearly odorless which does not bother people around them. Even though brand manufacturers of this device do point out that it is not for those who wish to quit smoking, but those that have continuously used this device have claimed to be smoking less or kick the habit altogether.

Health tips for power regain

September 16th, 2011
Power regainHow to use the maximum nutrition, exercise and various methods to eliminate stress, to increase the body’s energy reserves and improve brain function … Answer these questions for a specific Forbes Professor John Bowdoin, neurologist, nutritionist and author of several best-selling book, devoted to healthy eating. He said, fatigue is one of the biggest problems of modern man, and many people use the wrong ways to combat it: “They want a magic pill to make them tone and feel super-heroes”.
The shortage of energy is usually the result of complex interplay of various factors. For example, if you suffer from chronic fatigue, must consult a doctor. Thyroid problems can also explain the continued lack of alertness. The energy is a natural product of the lifestyle. Unexpectedly for some, the use of fewer calories is one of the easiest ways to increase the vital activity – for feeding the flow of blood to the stomach and intestines increases – covering energy needs of digestion. The results of various studies, reducing the amount of calories increased by one quarter the energy and even prolong life.
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The most healthy foods

September 12th, 2011
JuicesNothing can completely replace the need of the body of fluids, especially water. It is most useful source of moisture, but also it has other drinks that give the body many nutrients. Who are they trying to meet the authors of the article in the journal Prevention.
• Benefit: reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber and protein contained in soy milk, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. If, however, completely replace cow milk with soy, your body will suffer from a lack of calcium and vitamins A and D. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which are probably associated with increased risk of breast cancer. If you have such cases in the family, discuss with your doctor the use of soy milk.
• Calories: 250 ml in milk – 81.
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The purpose from the antioxidants

September 9th, 2011
TomatoesIf you are at least interested in the topic of premature aging of the body can not encountered the term “free radicals” and the benefits of antioxidants to fight them. Although the topic to write and speak very, very few people still know what it actually means “free radicals” – unstable oxygen molecule that is “damaged” as a result of the impact of factors such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, ultraviolet rays pesticides, radiation, emotional stress, and as incredible as it sounds too much movement. Unstable molecule needs one more electron to regain strength. So she began to literally bombard other molecules, leading to distortions and their integrity and strength. Why are they so important and beneficial antioxidants … Because they “donate” the missing electron, free radicals and thus make it stable and almost completely safe. The antioxidant “cocktail” typically includes beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, selenium, lycopene, coenzyme Q10 and lutein. Numerous studies have shown that antioxidants have specific characteristics which not only helps the body to neutralize free radicals, but also to get rid of them, discard them.
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Tips for successful weight loss

September 4th, 2011
Weight lossNumerous observations show that after a strict diet weight for most people recover very quickly and some even exceed the previous frames. There are many tips on how not to reach this very desirable result. Below we have tried to list a few of them which nutritionists believe that the most effective and largely can not guarantee success in the fight against obesity:
1. Do not despair of the first failure! Even if you tried to follow a strict diet and she has failed. The most common reason for failure is poor knowledge of the human body. About 98% of obese people are absolutely normal metabolism. To successfully combat overweight actually need most of all knowledge, credibility and determined attitude.
2. It is important to realize the mistakes. Discover your weaknesses or contact a dietician for advice.
3. Remember that “hatred” are simply fat food supply, which for some reason the body has decided to accumulate. They should be used for energy purposes. This feeling is more productive than the obsessive thoughts of deliverance from the weight of each price. It is proved that will deal with the diets, crash and recovery of weight, fattening person much faster than if you never tried to weaken.
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Clean up your body

August 31st, 2011
WaterAlthough some of the so-called. detoxifying products contain herbs and other nutrients to support liver, most of them are composed of almost the same fiber and laxatives, which cleanses the colon. Usually it is recommended to use about a month to achieve the desired effect. But there is another possible approach – rather than spend a month trying to throw out toxins from your body accumulated over our own carelessness, you can take daily steps to support your liver, intestines, kidneys, skin, lungs ie bodies involved in natural detoxifying systems of the body. They constantly neutralize and destroy toxins and waste products of normal metabolism. Here are some tips that will keep your body always in shape:
1. More antioxidants
Good choices for starters are foods rich in glutathione peroxidase (GPx) – antioxidant enzyme found in almost all fruits and vegetables. Once you reach the body cells, it became one of the most powerful agents cleaning free radicals. This antioxidant is very effective against toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals and solvents, turning them into water-soluble forms that can be excreted by the kidneys. High levels of glutathione is often in the lungs, where it fights the toxins in tobacco smoke, smog and other airborne pollutants. Usually has a high concentration in the liver. The raw fruits and vegetables are great sources of GPx, especially avocados and asparagus, also in most cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale). They contain a lot of GPx and cysteine ​​- an amino acid that is used by the liver to synthesize glutathione.
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What diseases can predict the pulse?

August 28th, 2011
PulseIf your pulse “stops”, see a cardiologist if you can feel it – Hematology, and if his attacks are less than 45 – endocrinologist. Put your fingers on the artery and analyzing the radiation pulse, you can find a lot safer if you have a health problem.
How to properly measure the pulse
Most correctly pulse to be measured in a sitting position. The classic place for radiation measurement artery. Pulse is measured on it off the thumb width below the first fold of skin to the wrist. If it is thus difficult to feel, then you can more easily find it on the carotid artery. The pulse of a healthy person at rest is 60-80 beats per minute – then it is smooth and rhythmic. To avoid uncertainty, no pulse after drinking or after eating, with a strong sense of hunger after heavy physical work or strenuous mental work, after a massage, taking a bath or shower, after sex, but also in the critical (at women) days.
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5 easy tips to decrease the risk of cancer

August 25th, 2011
Sun Health EffectWhen we eat healthy food every day and move enough (without having to specifically exercising or going to the gym, we now reduce cancer risk by about one-third, says Michele Forman – Professor epidemiologist. Convert figures mean that around 60,000 people a year to avoid dangerous disease only because of these simple measures. The summarizing the recommendations to protect against cancer, Forman five sets available for any useful habit:
1. Regular exercise
Forman advised to spend in the gym or pool at least 30 minutes a day, not less than 5 times a week (or an hour walk every day). Council applies equally to adults and children.
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables
They contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber that are effective in preventing cancer. Besides anti-cancer effect such a diet has a positive impact on weight. It should however be remembered that it requires a sufficient quantity and variety – at least 5-6 servings per day.
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Why people are overeating?

August 22nd, 2011
FoodsMost of the people do not overeat because they are hungry and not because the food is delicious. This paradoxical conclusion does Professor Brian Wansink from Cornell University in the USA, author of “mad eating: why we eat more than we think”. It is based on numerous experiments that the scientist was conducted to determine why and what quantities of food eaten per person. According to the author “always hungry man is a victim of circumstances: family, friends, containers, packaging products, size of tables and other factors that usually no one pays attention”.
An interesting and telling example is the conclusion that Professor Wansink to make ice cream: “If 100 g of ice are placed in small glass, then a glutton would seem that there are many ice cream. If the same amount be placed in a large cup, ice cream will be “small” and would require additional man”.
The book is based on research conducted by a team of 63 experts and concludes it is the main reason for overeating is actually a purely psychological and not directly related to hunger or taste of food.

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