Friday, September 23, 2011


Home Remedies for Flatulence

September 18th, 2011 by admin

Natural Home Remedy For Flatulence, Gas and Constipation

If you are experiencing flatulence it can be the result of many things. First and foremost it is a natural way for your body to relieve itself from any gases which are built up in your GI tract. If you drink certain things or eat certain foods it can create large gaseous build ups in your tract. When you body consumes food it takes from it the nutrients that it needs and then disposes of anything else. The toxins left are what come out once your body processes the food. When you pass these toxins you pass them in solid form or you pass them in gas form.
The biggest reason that you have flatulence is because of a problem associated with your GI tract and your digestive system. If your body is unable to properly digest the food you eat then you will get bloated during the body’s attempt at digestion and you will fart. If you are stressed, your flatulence will get worse because your body will be unable to properly digest its food.
In order to find the best home remedies for flatulence, you must first consider what you eat and drink and begin to reduce that. Again, the biggest cause of flatulence is digestion. When your body attempts to digest food, it will take from the food and drink you consume the nutrients you need for your body, such as vitamins and antioxidants, and then it will expel the rest. When your body expels the rests, it is getting rid of toxins. The toxins must come out of your body in one way or another otherwise they will make you very sick. If you consume foods such as legumes, beans, or fermented foods you will fart a lot. By reducing your intake of these you can reduce your levels of flatulence.
Other home remedies for flatulence include consuming one cup of min, lemon, or ginger tea in the morning. These will help your GI tract and get rid of any excessive gas. Keeping your bowel movements regular is also done by consuming foods high in fiber. You can have one cup of caraway seeds or one cup of fennel seeds after each meal in order to alleviate flatulence and expelling any gas.
If you are having excessive gas or constipation problem, beside other natural remedies for gas, you can do fasting also to clear your stomach and then get on regular diet, don’t eat too much at once and eating on time will help.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds

One of the best way to remove gas within 24 hours is take Fenugreek Seeds available in indian grocery store, put into water and swallow it. It helps to remove gas, constipation and has so many other benefits. Some people take Fengugreek seeds every night since it has so many health benefits besides removing gas and digestive problem

A Brief Introduction to Colon Cancer

April 16th, 2009 by admin
Colon cancer is one of the worst diseases that people can face. Unlike any other type of problem, this type of cancer can’t really be predicted and it will only be detected when it’s too late.
There aren’t any symptoms which can warn you that you might have colon cancer and by the time a doctor confirms it, it will be hard if not impossible to get it cured. This disease will advance rapidly and solving it will only get harder.
This problem is quite common and it is considered to be one of the deadliest diseases. Doctors and specialists have tried their best to come up with a solution, but it won’t appear anytime soon. This is why everyone recommends prevention methods.
It has been demonstrated that people who have used a colon cleansing procedure in the past have lower chances of getting colon cancer. All you have to do is find the right treatment and you will get many benefits. Besides cancer prevention, you will start to feel a lot better, eliminate the toxins from your body and even lose weight.
Even if we can’t stop colon cancer from evolving, we can decrease its chances of appearing. All you have to do is start a colon cleansing treatment and enjoy the benefits. These days, treatments are gentle and they will make you feel a lot better.

Home Remedies for Fever

March 27th, 2009 by admin
The rise in temperature of human body is known as fever. There are many reasons for Fever such as stress, viral infection, cold and malaria etc. It is believed that fever is not any kind disease but its a body’s response towards possible threats which are present in our body. Fever is also a type of signal which represents that something wrong is going on in our body. However, if fever stays for 2-3 inspite of trying remedies then one should consult doctor immediately as it might be the case of malaria.
Below are some important usefule home remedies for fever which can provide quick relief :
* Whenever you need to drink water, add a pinch of salt to the glass of water and drink till your body temperature gets normal.
* In case of high temperatures, apply cloth piece soaked in mixture of water and salt on the forehead. This will avoid brain fever.
* Consumption of onion juice is believed to be the best treatement of fever.
* Add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder to 1 glass of milk and mix it gently. Drink it before going to bed, turmeric is very useful due to its antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Turmeric is also best for blood purification.
* Make mixture of mint juice with honey, take both in equal proportion. Consumption of this mixture after every two hours helps in getting quick relief from Pneumonia.
* In case of severe vomitting, consume 1 tablespoon mixture of salt, cumin and lemon juice. This will stop vomitting immediately.
* In case of fever due to cough, consumption of mixture of holy basil juice with honey is very effective. Holy basil is having many health qualities and is used in the form of herbal medicines for many diseases.
* Consumption of mixture of ginger juice, lemon juice, holy basil juice and honey is very effective for treatement of cough, fever and weakness.
* Prepare paste of 10gm holy basil juice with black pepper powder and 1/4 tablespoon of honey. Consumption of this paste twice a day helps in getting quick relief from typhoid fever.
If all above remedies doesn’t seems to be working in 2-3 days then consultation of doctor is highly recommended.

Less Sleep May Cause Breast Cancer

March 15th, 2009 by admin
According to latest research by british scientists chances of having breast cancer is higher in those females who are taking sleep less than six hours. After studying sleeping style of 24000 females and history of breast cancer, scientists had concluded that the chances of breast cancer is 62% higher for those females who are sleeping less than six hours.
Scientists added more to the research that less sleep causes problem in production of Melatonin Hormone. Melatonin hormone helps in stopping development of tumer in breast. Due to lack of hormone the immune power against tumer gets decreased and thus chances of breast cancer increases.
So in order to stay health and fit females need to sleep atleast eight hours a day so that their body can produce ample amount of melatonin hormone which helps in fighting tumer cells of cancer.
Sleep is very much responsible for many other important functions of body, so sleep well and stay healthy.

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