Friday, September 23, 2011


Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding’ Category

Tips for successful weight loss

Sunday, September 4th, 2011
Weight lossNumerous observations show that after a strict diet weight for most people recover very quickly and some even exceed the previous frames. There are many tips on how not to reach this very desirable result. Below we have tried to list a few of them which nutritionists believe that the most effective and largely can not guarantee success in the fight against obesity:
1. Do not despair of the first failure! Even if you tried to follow a strict diet and she has failed. The most common reason for failure is poor knowledge of the human body. About 98% of obese people are absolutely normal metabolism. To successfully combat overweight actually need most of all knowledge, credibility and determined attitude.
2. It is important to realize the mistakes. Discover your weaknesses or contact a dietician for advice.
3. Remember that “hatred” are simply fat food supply, which for some reason the body has decided to accumulate. They should be used for energy purposes. This feeling is more productive than the obsessive thoughts of deliverance from the weight of each price. It is proved that will deal with the diets, crash and recovery of weight, fattening person much faster than if you never tried to weaken.

8 simple tips how to burn 100 kcal

Monday, June 20th, 2011
fat burningNo matter what you eat and how much and how many calories you burn, you might say nutritionists. And if you want to lose weight, just burn more energy than ingested food will generate. Here are 8 easy ways to burn 100 calories more – advice from the experts:
1. Play outside with the children.
If you spend with them (and join in their games) for 17 minutes burning 100 calories is guaranteed. Moreover, the children probably will like it and will hardly refuse to have with them longer.
2. Do not rush to order food by phone and dedicate a half hour of its preparation.
It is estimated that as much time spent in the kitchen, he planned to spend enough calories. And if the food we cook is low calorie and it will be an added bonus.
3. Walk the dog for 20 minutes early.
He did not get angry that runs more than you want and you have to chase him. It actually helps in this way.

Climbing of stairs burns more calories than jogging

Saturday, April 16th, 2011
StairsThe climbing stairs burns more calories than jogging on the path to the gym or jogging in the park, say researchers from the University of Birmingham, UK. The regular stair climbing can reduce your weight, improve performance of the cardiovascular system and normal cholesterol levels. This is an effective way to deal with obesity, which becomes a major problem for all age groups
For stair climbing is required more energy than running or playing football, regarded as one of the most active sports. The study by British scientists involved 120 men and women between 25 and 35 years who suffered from overweight. The results indicate that heat when climbing stairs rising three times more than in football or jogging.
The doctors recommend for good health to use stairs instead of elevators. This will help you to keep good condition of your body and together with this will consume more energy than morning jogging.

Green tea makes you waist thin

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
Thin waistAccording to the recent research into green tea is especially suitable for people who diet, helping to more rapid degradation of fats, especially for patients complaining of heart problems, as with many mental illnesses. Survey results show that the use of drink green tea accelerates metabolism, helping to burn more calories in same amount of food consumed. The main reason that refreshing drink is becoming more popular is that it successfully reduced fat sediments retained in the abdomen and waist, and as we well know, maintaining a slim waist is one of the most labor-intensive tasks. Unexpectedly and the confirmation of the fact that green tea contains caffeine levels that are equal to those contained in certain types of coffee. This explains the effect and refreshing drink, but lighter taste compared to coffee makes it a lot of people.
Furthermore, caffeine, which is rich in green tea is associated with tannin and the impact it has on the body. Antioxidant ability of green tea are well known, but they continue to gather new fans of the drink every day. Antioxidants scavenge for free radicals in the body, thereby reducing the rate of aging of the body.
As many are the benefits of green tea, however, it is daily dose should not exceed 3-4 cups.

Tips to calculate how much fats you have gained

Saturday, November 27th, 2010
Woman EatingThe most people define the state of your body weight. But with age the body composition changes: muscle tissue is gradually replaced by fat. If a person not engaged in exercises to strengthen muscles, they become less and begin to accumulate fat. This is especially true for women. Withdrawal can not be a strong indicator of health and beauty. A more accurate “tool.” Many people resort to popular spreadsheets for the ratio between height and weight. But specialists in sports medicine stressed that these indicators do not give full information as to be recorded and the type of physique, reported magazine Prevention. Already appeared and tables reporting type build: lean, mean, wholesale. At the same height difference obtained from 5-6 pounds. But they are not sufficiently objective. To determine the amount of excess fat, you need to calculate the fat content of the general composition of the body. The certain amount of fat is vital for the proper functioning of the body – from 12 to 15% of the total mass of the body. Fat accumulated over that norm harm health and of course spoil the shape. The percentage of fat is estimated as follows: 10-20% – excellent, 20-25% – good, acceptable 25-30%, 30-35% – well, 40% or more – the comments were unnecessary. For men the rates were slightly lower because of the structure of the body of their gender.

How to keep your motivation to follow diet

Sunday, August 1st, 2010
Diet girlIt is clear: the motivation is something good and necessary. But sometimes seemed erratic – goes exactly where it’s not we want – in the middle of so good a weight loss program. And we are doing as well. Then, one day just the right direction and losing all interest in moving forward in the direction. I just noticed that our pants started to become wider and everything collapsed. And so we want to continue with the diet. But day after day, our best intentions slip and can not figure out how to motivate again. It is interesting how when motivation is high, a person feels full of energy, focused, driven to act decisively. Nothing can stand in our path and always moving in the right direction and doing things completely. But once you lose motivation, inertia prevails. We continue to say that we want to change, but we can not even go out the door. A packet of chips seems more easily achievable and desirable in planning, measuring and cooking. And yet – how to reclaim and motivation to stick to pre-selected program:
First, it is important to realize: the motivation is not constant. Do not “get” or riding freely, but must continually strive to maintain it. For this reason it is strictly an individual, ie everyone should find their own. Instead of depending on external crises which we operate, we can find a way to get up – cause reactions, to be energizing to the end, to achieving our goals. Indeed, motivation is an opportunity, not a burden or something annoying. Only with this attitude we can find the forces we need to support it.
Here are some ideas that can help us:

Is the slimming tea really healthy

Friday, July 23rd, 2010
Green TeaRecently, a very fashionable to drink tea, which allegedly promote weight loss. These drinks are made mostly of herbal supplements, but it appears that with the positive effects they can cause and side effect – to affect the colon by accelerating the movement of its content. Some of them contain resinous substances which cause irritation of the lining of the intestine. Appear lower abdominal pain. It is very difficult market to find a slimming tea, which has no side effects. Their decrease is recommended to use this tea on an empty stomach before breakfast or evening after dinner, as his relief began to show after about 8-10 hours. Prolonged use of these teas are also not safe for health. In the body may affect the water exchange, leading to shortages of micronutrients and other essential substances. With the termination of the use of tea, intestines become sluggish again. The media often promoted for weight loss products, appetite suppressants, even until his disappearance. They also prepare plant-based. People suffering from cardiovascular disease should contact their doctor and not to engage in self with biologically active additives. Suppress appetite, alertness, increased ability to work – all this characterizes the initial stage of application of preparation. Then the excitement is changed by the delay appears sleepiness, increased fatigue and nervous exhaustion builds up.

Burn more calories

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
Training WomanYou are so busy that there is absolutely no time to sport? You are wrong. Although we live in a world filled exclusively with work stress, tension and family obligations, we can still find the time, even less for a certain amount of sport in our hectic lives. To stimulate your creativity, we offer 10 tips for busy people to say:
1. When you wake up, do 10 minute workout. Choose only three exercises to perform properly for 10 minutes without stopping. For example, on Monday to do “easier” push-ups, followed by crunches and attacking forward on Tuesday to lend a hand shrub thighs, lifting the legs of the supine position and push-ups with your hands a little distance from each other (for the triceps).
2. Hectic move to work and back. If you takes 10 minutes to walk somewhere, try to do it for 8. If you do not need to go, Be creative – stay on board one stop sooner than the bus or park farther away from work.
3. If you have stairs in the block house or workplace, use them instead of the elevator. The more often you upload them, the better for your health and figure.
4. While standing in one place, from time to time you can play called. isometric exercises tighten the muscles. For example, while you’re seated, your abdominal muscles abbreviate for 30 seconds, making sure to breathe normally. In this way you can train almost any greater muscle group in the body. Contrary to expectations these exercises are quite effective. Do them several times a week and you will feel the difference.

Fast weight loss is pointless and harmful

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
Thin WomanExperts strongly opposed to rapid weight loss, the reasons for this are scientifically justified. Stocks of fat lie inside the fat cells. To escape from them fat, it must fall apart into their constituent parts – glycerol and fatty acids, and to perform this decomposition, it is necessary to obtain a signal of its necessity. Nature of the signal may be different, but since it comes to diets, it can be either a reduction in blood concentrations of fatty acids or increasing the concentration of degradation products, which is a source of energy and whose synthesis is needed fatty acids. They are soluble in water and transported in the blood protein albumin with. The more fatty acids in the blood is, the more albumin should be and the greater is the tenacity of the blood. , According to nutritionists is the first disadvantage of rapid weight loss. Part of the fatty acids may be used by working muscles to produce energy. The more active muscle work, the more fatty acids are activated. “Burning” of fatty acids is accompanied by the release of same products, and wood combustion – carbon dioxide and water. The mass of water is formed approximately 7.5 times greater than the mass of the

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