Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sex after marriage


Sex becomes an integral part of a relationship such as marriage. Its importance gets heightened when the marriage is a culmination of a romantic and loving affair between two individuals.
After a marriage there are many things which need to be kept in mind to have a healthy sexual life, some of them are:


Communication becomes a vital aspect of an active and healthy sexual life after marriage. It is not about simple and plain talking but understanding the body language and gestures too. So talk with one another more in a manner which is fruitful and understanding!


Once married the barriers which exists between individuals gradually dissolve and they get close to one another. It is then that exchange of sexual desires takes place between partners
  • You need to be explicit in a gentle manner and discuss with one another about your expectations concerning lovemaking. False or unmet expectations can hurt your marriage.
  • Sexual intimacy is a continuing process of discovery. It is not a mechanical interaction but as Kamasutra says, Sex is a process of discovery for the individuals. True intimacy through communication is what makes sex great.
  • Sex could be looked as an amalgam which binds your relationship after marriage together. It is no longer act but an experience in itself! Sex in a long lasting relationship can deepen and become a richer experience. No matter how many times you have made love to each other, the wonder and awe of mutual attraction can still be there.
  • Individuals should ensure that it is an integral part of their lifestyle even when they become engrossed in the professional lives. One way to go about it could be to plan for sexual encounters with one another to ensure that sex stays as one of the main priorities.
  • One way to engage in sex is to try and set the mood in advance. Prepare the ambience by arranging for some candles or you could spread the fragrance from some room conditioner.
  • Start the foreplay early maybe during the daytime so that your partner gets into the mood once the time comes for the final showdown. If you want to have good sex at night, start the foreplay in the morning.


  • Avoid being grouchy all day or ignoring your spouse during the day. It hurts your chances of having a positive lovemaking experience that evening.
  • You need to keep in mind the fact that sex isn't going to be perfect each time. Don't compare your sex life to the ones you see in movies or on television. ?

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