Friday, December 3, 2010


In Christian Marriage, husband and wife are one. As we can see from what God said: "For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."(Genesis 2:24) Christians are ordained to marry Christians only as both are thought to be parts of the body of Christ. The idea is how could one Christian unite with a non-Christian in the Christ. That's why the idea of marrying a Christian only. An ideal Christian marriage has the "Christ as the head, the husband, of each partner in the marriage individually; both man and woman, as part of the church, are the bride of Christ". The union of husband and wife begins with the unity of the two in Christ. As the Genesis says, "The two shall become one flesh". It implies more than the oneness of bodies, it indicates oneness of souls.

A Christian wedding usually takes place in a Church, before a priest. A Christian bride traditionally wears a white gown. Her head is covered with a white veil and a bunch of white flowers crown her. Both the groom and the bride accept each other in front of the priest.

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