Friday, September 23, 2011

Beauty advices

Archive for the ‘Beauty Advices’ Category

Tips for successful weight loss

Sunday, September 4th, 2011
Weight lossNumerous observations show that after a strict diet weight for most people recover very quickly and some even exceed the previous frames. There are many tips on how not to reach this very desirable result. Below we have tried to list a few of them which nutritionists believe that the most effective and largely can not guarantee success in the fight against obesity:
1. Do not despair of the first failure! Even if you tried to follow a strict diet and she has failed. The most common reason for failure is poor knowledge of the human body. About 98% of obese people are absolutely normal metabolism. To successfully combat overweight actually need most of all knowledge, credibility and determined attitude.
2. It is important to realize the mistakes. Discover your weaknesses or contact a dietician for advice.
3. Remember that “hatred” are simply fat food supply, which for some reason the body has decided to accumulate. They should be used for energy purposes. This feeling is more productive than the obsessive thoughts of deliverance from the weight of each price. It is proved that will deal with the diets, crash and recovery of weight, fattening person much faster than if you never tried to weaken.

Why people are overeating?

Monday, August 22nd, 2011
FoodsMost of the people do not overeat because they are hungry and not because the food is delicious. This paradoxical conclusion does Professor Brian Wansink from Cornell University in the USA, author of “mad eating: why we eat more than we think”. It is based on numerous experiments that the scientist was conducted to determine why and what quantities of food eaten per person. According to the author “always hungry man is a victim of circumstances: family, friends, containers, packaging products, size of tables and other factors that usually no one pays attention”.
An interesting and telling example is the conclusion that Professor Wansink to make ice cream: “If 100 g of ice are placed in small glass, then a glutton would seem that there are many ice cream. If the same amount be placed in a large cup, ice cream will be “small” and would require additional man”.
The book is based on research conducted by a team of 63 experts and concludes it is the main reason for overeating is actually a purely psychological and not directly related to hunger or taste of food.

Some advices when choosing sunglasses for the summer

Friday, June 24th, 2011
SunglassesThe sunglasses are not only a stylish fashion accessory, and an essential tool to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Many mistakenly believe that UV-rays are strongest during the summer. This is not true. Is determining how much time you spend in the sun, whether summer or winter. Therefore, the glasses always so important to quality. The sunglasses is recommended to be glass. The newest course plastics are not so bad, but on them quickly scratches appear. Glass can be easily distinguished from the plastic by weight: it is much more severe. Apart from this window must have 100% protection from UV rays. Glass from polymers such as CR-39 and C-13 of most professional athletes who spend long hours in the sun.
Mirror lenses are spectacular, but still do not give 100% protection.
The degree of protection, which is usually indicated on the handle, label, or the passport of the glasses does not depend on the color of glass. Look for UV 400 mark! It means that the chemical composition of glass includes supplements that provide 100% protection in particular. The plastic frame glasses are more fragile in contrast to those whose frames are made of metal. Previously non-traditional materials such as rubber and titanflex easily recover form after bending or distortion, while the plastic does not possess such properties. Therefore, first, of course, the metal – the most expensive and most reliable material for frames.

8 simple tips how to burn 100 kcal

Monday, June 20th, 2011
fat burningNo matter what you eat and how much and how many calories you burn, you might say nutritionists. And if you want to lose weight, just burn more energy than ingested food will generate. Here are 8 easy ways to burn 100 calories more – advice from the experts:
1. Play outside with the children.
If you spend with them (and join in their games) for 17 minutes burning 100 calories is guaranteed. Moreover, the children probably will like it and will hardly refuse to have with them longer.
2. Do not rush to order food by phone and dedicate a half hour of its preparation.
It is estimated that as much time spent in the kitchen, he planned to spend enough calories. And if the food we cook is low calorie and it will be an added bonus.
3. Walk the dog for 20 minutes early.
He did not get angry that runs more than you want and you have to chase him. It actually helps in this way.

Teenage obesity – How can weight loss with Xenical help?

Sunday, May 15th, 2011
Girl Tips for BeautyObesity is now a global health phenomenon and one of the most prevalent adolescent health disorders all

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